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Access Control

Why use access control?

Access control enables you to control who has access to your building.

Locks and keys also allow you to secure your building, but when keys are lost or stolen, the inconvenience and expense of changing locks and re-issuing keys can be considerable. Keys may also be copied, creating even more security risks.

All businesses, whether small, medium or large, have assets that need to be protected from theft. There is also the issue of protecting staff and their property. It is common in buildings that are secured by locks and keys for doors to be left unlocked all day. This opens up the possibility of opportunist theft and malicious damage.

Electronic access control provides the most efficient and convenient way of securing your building and assets. Installing an access control system means that you will never have to change a lock again. Tokens are issued to allow access through the controlled doors, and are easily barred from the system if they are lost, stolen or just not returned by someone who leaves your company. Barred tokens will not allow access through the controlled doors

Once an access control system is installed, all doors controlled by the system will automatically lock when the door is closed. Anyone without an access token is unable to enter. In the fields of physical security and information security, access control is the selective restriction of access to a place or other resource. Being able to see who is entering and exiting a building allows you to keep track of who is working where and for how long, enabling you to effectively manage your workforce and productivity. Access control also helps restrict and manage visitors when in the building.
Access control help restrict unauthorised personnel access to the server room, COSHH cupboards and the likes.
To arrange site survey for your business, contact a member of our team today on 0800 193 7510

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